A frantic call. “I need my floor fixed! I’m in the Eagleridge neighborhood.” The condition of the newly finished floor was not what was hoped for. I agreed to fix the job as long as I could talk to the other floor guy. I do not want to walk on somebody’s job without having more background of the problem. He was OK with me doing the work.
Other companies came in at astronomical prices to correct the problem. On the surface, it appeared that extensive work was needed. But, bucking the trend, I came in at half price offering a different solution. My gut told me that many of the steps did not need repeating………
Attention to detail keeps the stain off the stone.
The house had a large first floor and 2 flights of long stairs.
The previous contractor had slopped some stain on the edge of the cabinets and some of the old lighter finish was visible due to not being thoroughly sanded.