Do you have breathing problems? Many times the carpet in your home looks clean, right. You have always vacuumed and steam cleaned it. Such is the case with this customer. However upon removal of the carpet, you can see what the carpet has been doing all along: becoming a dust and dirt catch. Kids rolling around on the carpet. Take a look at these pictures of “clean” carpet!……
“The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends removing the carpets in your house, but in particular in your bedroom.”
Before carpet removal. Wood pile has been sitting in the home for almost 2 weeks.
Cutting the carpet into manageable widths so we can remove from the home without damage to walls etc.
The back of the “clean” carpet revealed many dirty spots.
The pad was just as bad!
Rolling back the pad showed dust and dirt had been trapped underneath the flooring.
Typical view of dirt that had filtered through the carpet and pad.
All the carpet has been removed from the home and now wood floor installation takes place.